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The Verify Method

Table of contents

  1. Function signature
  2. Code Sample
    1. Using the Promise API
    2. Using the async/await API

Function signature

The .verify() method accepts an object with the following schema:

  "pin":"pin from frontend" // Needs to be an integer

The verification text message will be sent to the number supplied, and we will refer to them as the name supplied.

The function will return a promise that when resolved will supply an object with the following schema:

  "code": 200,
  "message": "What the above code means (from the JVerify documentation)",
  "status": "What the code officially means",
  "body": {
    "correct": true | false

Code Sample

Using the Promise API

  hash:'hash-from-start-method', // This should be the hash variable we got in the start method
  pin:393545 // The pin the user entered
}).then(r => {
  if(r.code > 199 && r.code < 300) { // Make sure the request returned a code in the 200s
    if(r.body.correct) {
    	// The user entered the correct pin. 
    	// Implement server-side logic and tell the frontend the pin was entered correctly
    } else {
      // The user has entered the incorrect pin
      // Tell the frontend the pin was wrong and potentially ask them if they want to send another
	} else {
    // Something has gone wrong. Lets throw an error and check it out in the console
    // Tell the frontend something has gone wrong
    throw new Error(`JVerify threw error ${r.code} (${r.status}): ${r.message}`);

Using the async/await API

let verify = await JVerify.verify({
  "hash": "hash-from-start-method",
  "pin": 652265 // Pin from your user
}).catch(e => {throw new Error(`JVerify threw error ${e.code} (${e.status}): ${e.message}`);})
if(verify.body.correct) {
  // Pin was correct, continue with your application
} else {
  // Pin was incorrect, have them retry

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